WI Napoleon before 3rd coalition.

As the title says what happens if Napoleon dies before the war starts, while he's still the consul and not yet declared himself emperor.

1. Who takes over the country.
2. How would the rest of the nations react.
3. Could the nation survive.
4. And how would Napoleon's legacy be seen compared to otl.
As the title says what happens if Napoleon dies before the war starts, while he's still the consul and not yet declared himself emperor.

1. Who takes over the country.
2. How would the rest of the nations react.
3. Could the nation survive.
4. And how would Napoleon's legacy be seen compared to otl.

  • The consul continues, but it will be weakened.
  • Britain and/or Austria may take the opportunity to attack France again in a Third Coalition. I doubt they would still win though.
  • Yes, France will survive. Honestly, the Republic itself might continue...albeit as a semi-dictatorship for several years.
  • Napoleon would be viewed as a promising military and political figure who was snuffed out in his prime before being able to prove himself further. He will be viewed as the Kurt Cobain of French military and political history lol
  • The consul continues, but it will be weakened.
  • Britain and/or Austria may take the opportunity to attack France again in a Third Coalition. I doubt they would still win though.
  • Yes, France will survive. Honestly, the Republic itself might continue...albeit as a semi-dictatorship for several years.
  • Napoleon would be viewed as a promising military and political figure who was snuffed out in his prime before being able to prove himself further. He will be viewed as the Kurt Cobain of French military and political history lol

Wow imagine Napoleon and kurt cobain in the same room.
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but there an assassination attempt called the Plot of the rue Saint-Nicaise during War of the Second Coalition. On Christmas Eve 1800, Breton royalist try to kill then Consul Bonaparte with a barrel bomb. Napoleon himself was unharmed, but kill some innocent bystanders.
  • The consul continues, but it will be weakened.
  • Britain and/or Austria may take the opportunity to attack France again in a Third Coalition. I doubt they would still win though.
  • Yes, France will survive. Honestly, the Republic itself might continue...albeit as a semi-dictatorship for several years.
  • Napoleon would be viewed as a promising military and political figure who was snuffed out in his prime before being able to prove himself further. He will be viewed as the Kurt Cobain of French military and political history lol

No. Just no. Never say "lol" if you don't want to be seen as a drooling semi-moron.
In my opinion, there will be no first consul. They would go back to the idea of 3 equal consuls.

They would need a popular general. I think that would be Massena, at that point.

Lebrun was a political non entity, I believe he would be persuaded to resign and be replaced by Talleyrand in the shuffle.

Cambaceres would stay.

Likely there would be a coalition against France, to take advantage of the perceived turnoil. However, it might be possible that UK would sit this one out (Talleyrand was prepared to offer a lot for peace with England). Thie French would triumph, this was the height of French army domination over the other European armies and there were a lot of Brilliant general beside Napoleon.