Planetocopia Map Thread

This is really cool stuff!
Thanks a bunch - always appreciate the input!

A warning to anyone using GProjector. Remember to turn off the coastline outlines and such before saving the map, they can be helpful sometimes but if you don't need them there it's a pain in the ass to redo the projections. Case in point shown by me having to go back through those steps a second time in order to get a clean map. (There's a use for those outlines, but with the coastline here as blurred as it is already they just get in the way)

Redone map shown here:

So what is your total end goal with this project?

At the moment? Make worlda maps for the rest of the various tilted earths (seapole right now, shiveria next and maybe turnovia?). I'm doing this to give more resources to people who're interested in tilt scenarios.

Ideally I'm hoping this'll help out with getting some more groupthink done on the ideas like in this thread a while back and from there the creation of a timeline about it.

...I should really make a thread in the ASB section about that, shouldn't I.
Alright, getting progress done. Just working off of the standard sea level rise map at the moment, so there'll probably be some inconsistency with the seapole maps on the original site.


Glacial fuckery-of-the-coastlines will be less prevalent in seapole for obvious reasons, but all the same I'd appreciate some suggestions as to where fjords would pop up. (Brazil comes to mind...)
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Probably going to try poaching the flooded Antarctica from my Cassini map as a basemap here, the coastline there probably matches the seapole one pretty closely.

Right. Once I finish getting coastlines from the original map, I'll need to edit it by eye with help from the maps on the planetocopia, same as I did with Jaredia. This should hopefully be closer to intended sealevel than the 0m Jaredia map was though, so that'll be less of a slog to get through.


New WIP:

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Alright, finished a (roughly done, but no point in making it perfect if I'm just going to use it as a base for the next round of edits) seapole map. Next comes the cleaning up, matching the coasts to those in the original seapole pics, adding in forgotten islands and movement of the icecaps and their related fjords and such to the new poles. Nice.

I found a few sea level maps that may help here. It shows reduced and raised sea levels up to 100 meters.

Wow, that cuts out a lot of work for the shiveria map and the detail is much clearer than what I was using previously. Much obliged, and thank you!
Working on a Jaredia climate map at the moment...
Suggestions appreciated. I'm liable to mess up here, for example I've no idea where to put those monsoon forests...

You need to remove the Great Lakes from North America, as well as several from the Canadian region. These lakes were carved out 10000ya by the retreating glaciers, which obviously would not reach this far south in the world you are proposing.

Otherwise interesting work so far.
The same has to be said for the Baltic Sea as well, by the way. It may be more "up north" than *North America in this world, but as a region labeled as "temperate", it would be more of a tundra in a Jaredian super-ice age rather than glaciers.
The same has to be said for the Baltic Sea as well, by the way. It may be more "up north" than *North America in this world, but as a region labeled as "temperate", it would be more of a tundra in a Jaredian super-ice age rather than glaciers.
You need to remove the Great Lakes from North America, as well as several from the Canadian region. These lakes were carved out 10000ya by the retreating glaciers, which obviously would not reach this far south in the world you are proposing.

Otherwise interesting work so far.

Well, uh. Maybe. Hell, probably! It's tricky - the lack of glaciations will undeniably mean that our polar regions would be very different, such as where water has filled ice cap caused depressions in Canada or Europe. Our knowledge of the topography of the involved regions before the ice ages is pretty sparse, but no doubt at least some of the lakes and seas carved out by glaciers IOTL would be liable for flooding even without them. (this is even harder to work out when the sea level is higher than OTL of course)

Tilted worlds like Jaredia with so many other geographical and weather related spanners thrown into the work (much more rainfall than OTL here, for example) put things further into doubt. Would basins exist in the great lakes area? Would they be likely to have lakes anything like OTL, from increased rainfall, redirected river systems, etc? I really don't know. The main reason why I kept areas like that and the Baltic so close-ish to OTL is thus because while they might be much more likely to look pretty different terrains-and-coasts wise from OTL, it is really hard to figure out what might be there instead here. Antarctica is this problem in spades, as is the Canadian arctic and Greenland to a lesser extent.

It goes the other way as well, would there be alternate great lakes and Hudson bays from any jaredian ice ages? Maybe? Iran and central asia show attempts to get something like this done but for all I know they could easily be too much or not nearly enough. It doesn't help that exactly how the earth is tilted is pretty vague as well. I generally lean towards a far back POD but a very convergent evolution of geography and such. I don't know.

I might try hammering out more detailed changes to the great lakes some time, no idea how I'd work it out, though. Might just be easiest to have some small lakes in the deepest parts of superior and so on OTL and leaving the rest dry. Hmmm.

Thanks a bunch for the suggestions and the support, though!

Come to think of it, it might even be possible for a Jaredia-Tilted world to have a mostly ice free Africa. (or, mirror that and have ice sheets marching far south of the Mediterranean...) Would that be possible with say, higher Co2 levels?
And another thought, lots of rainforest and greenery on Jaredia - wonder how that'd affect the atmosphere. Hm.
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Yeah, the Great Lakes gave me pause when I looked at his maps as well. Very hard to know what to do with those, or the Finnish lakes etc.
Yeah, the Great Lakes gave me pause when I looked at his maps as well. Very hard to know what to do with those, or the Finnish lakes etc.

If I remember correctly one of his reasons for keeping them on there was to make the globe more recognisable (to Americans). Which is fair enough if that's part of what you're aiming for.

The lakes are easily explained: Jaredia tilted during the OTL Ice Age, because a large asteroid passed by Earth. :p

Perhaps the Jaredians will christen their moon 'Nibiru'.
Which way do the ocean currents go?
For example if a current flows from Africa south past "Britain" and "Scandinavia" then they would probably be Taiga if not Tundra. If however a current flows north from the equator past "Britain" and "Scandinavia" they would be temperate as shown.
Which way do the ocean currents go?
For example if a current flows from Africa south past "Britain" and "Scandinavia" then they would probably be Taiga if not Tundra. If however a current flows north from the equator past "Britain" and "Scandinavia" they would be temperate as shown.

I'm honestly not sure, climate and currents aren't really an area I know much about. I'm generally just going off of intuition where I've had to make judgement calls here.

I'd imagine that glacial situation would be fairly unstable, with ice age climates where 'northern' europe is largely covered in ice and tundra stretching far south to the arctic and fluctuations to more temperate climates in other times. Perhaps there's something like the gulf stream coming from the tropics to warm europe up?

It'd probably be a good idea to get a base 'currents' map to work with...