Map Challenge: (British) Great Northern Trading Company

Map Challenge: English / British Russia

Inspired by a map I saw created by dreadnought jenkins over in Map Thread III.

Press here for the map...

Now IMO that is a very cool and original map. So your challenge is to come up with a way to make the situation happen, keeping it as plausible as possible.

EDIT: Okay, the map is way too big, so I just linked to it instead.
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Russia collapses into warring states locked in civil war as the English try to do what they did in India?
It'd have to be an early PoD, at least pre-1460s. IMO, once Muscovy gains supremacy over the other Russian states, it's too late.

One possiblity would be if the English established a military order that replaced the Swordbrothers of Livonia.
P.S. Wouldn't necessarily have to replace them, maybe if it was in a position where the Swordbrothers would join with them instead of with the Teutonic Knights. Either way, pre-1236.

If another principality could balance Muscovy's power, that could give something like the Muscovy Company an opportunity.
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It'd have to be an early PoD, at least pre-1460s. IMO, once Muscovy gains supremacy over the other Russian states, it's too late.

One possiblity would be if the English established a military order that replaced the Swordbrothers of Livonia.
P.S. Wouldn't necessarily have to replace them, maybe if it was in a position where the Swordbrothers would join with them instead of with the Teutonic Knights. Either way, pre-1236.

If another principality could balance Muscovy's power, that could give something like the Muscovy Company an opportunity.

I was thinking something to do with the Great Feudal War in Muscovy. ITTL it was pretty big, but with some help (Yury Dmitrievich gets the throne and Muscovy collapses into civil war) Russia could remain disunited. Maybe it can persist long enough for England to get a foothold in the region with a *Muscovy Company type deal.
WI the Time of Troubles goes totally pear-shaped and ends up like the Chinese Civil War?

Would that work? :confused:
EDIT: Forgot to respond to yours.:eek:
IMO it would work better earlier, because by that point Russia is much more secure than it was in the 15th century... and would be less vulnerable to English incursion (even if the ToT were pretty bad).
Well I'll be damned. I knew Great Northern Trading Company rang a bell, and now I realise it was my old map being discussed.

If you want to know the POD, it occured in the year 1399.

It shouldn't be too hard to guess what it is:D

EDIT: Or, if you really want to get technical, it actually occurs in 1398.
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Now that I look at, while not obscure, my POD is not that obvious. Sorry for making it sound easy:confused::p.

The POD is that Jadwiga, who in OTL died giving birth to a girl (who also died) gives birth to a boy instead. This results in an entire different lines of Jageillons taking the thrones of Poland and Lithuania and eventually leading to intervention against Muscovy, helping out both Novogrod and the Golden Hord keep Muscovy down for while longer. Of course, both the Horde's and the Lithuanian positions in Russia inevetably collapse, leading to a power vacume that the Great Northern Trading Company gladly exploits.

Meanwhile, the butterflies get to work about 22-23 years after the POD in England with the death of the infant Henry VI in England. This allows the the Duke of Bedford (John of Lancaster) to take the throne and pursue a more succesful war with France. Orleans never happens, and France and England make peace with England placing all of Northern France and her Altantic coastline under English control. France is a rump Mediterrean state.

This peace holds for a while, until John dies and no other Lancasters are around. The throne is soon passed to the Yorks and war comes again to France and England as rump France moves to take back land. A few decades of on and off fighting ensues until another peace ensues in the late 1400's.

This lets England have a number of advantages. It avoided the War of the Roses, and it allowed the English to keep pillaging rump France while getting all the money from the wine trades and trade with Northern France. Ultimately, this peace leaves alot of warriors about and rich nobles and merchantmen who are quite willing to fund some mans dreams to cross the Atlantic (the Spaniards might get there first, but the English would be stepping on their heels). Some time in the early 1510's, a group of Englishmen get together (with Royal funding) and form the Company of (place random number here) adventurers. They funds an expidition that runs something along the lines of Cortes conquest of the Aztecs.

In the end, the companies membership expands, and everyone gets filthy rich. In their own Hubris, they change their company name to the Company of Great Men. This allows them to fund a whole slew of different companies with all their newfound capital including the Great Northern Trading Company. These new companies would not be without competition, since the Burgundians, the Portuguese, and the Spanish (maybe just Castille) aren't far behind.

That would be a very vague summary of the TL up to say the 1550's ish.
Now that I look at, while not obscure, my POD is not that obvious. Sorry for making it sound easy:confused::p.

The POD is that Jadwiga, who in OTL died giving birth to a girl (who also died) gives birth to a boy instead. This results in an entire different lines of Jageillons taking the thrones of Poland and Lithuania and eventually leading to intervention against Muscovy, helping out both Novogrod and the Golden Hord keep Muscovy down for while longer. Of course, both the Horde's and the Lithuanian positions in Russia inevetably collapse, leading to a power vacume that the Great Northern Trading Company gladly exploits.

Meanwhile, the butterflies get to work about 22-23 years after the POD in England with the death of the infant Henry VI in England. This allows the the Duke of Bedford (John of Lancaster) to take the throne and pursue a more succesful war with France. Orleans never happens, and France and England make peace with England placing all of Northern France and her Altantic coastline under English control. France is a rump Mediterrean state.

This peace holds for a while, until John dies and no other Lancasters are around. The throne is soon passed to the Yorks and war comes again to France and England as rump France moves to take back land. A few decades of on and off fighting ensues until another peace ensues in the late 1400's.

This lets England have a number of advantages. It avoided the War of the Roses, and it allowed the English to keep pillaging rump France while getting all the money from the wine trades and trade with Northern France. Ultimately, this peace leaves alot of warriors about and rich nobles and merchantmen who are quite willing to fund some mans dreams to cross the Atlantic (the Spaniards might get there first, but the English would be stepping on their heels). Some time in the early 1510's, a group of Englishmen get together (with Royal funding) and form the Company of (place random number here) adventurers. They funds an expidition that runs something along the lines of Cortes conquest of the Aztecs.

In the end, the companies membership expands, and everyone gets filthy rich. In their own Hubris, they change their company name to the Company of Great Men. This allows them to fund a whole slew of different companies with all their newfound capital including the Great Northern Trading Company. These new companies would not be without competition, since the Burgundians, the Portuguese, and the Spanish (maybe just Castille) aren't far behind.

That would be a very vague summary of the TL up to say the 1550's ish.

Ok, how about some more maps? ;)

Maybe a TL? ;):cool::cool::cool::cool:
A TL has always been a goal of mine:cool:, but as for sequel maps, they'll have to be placed outside of Europe:( since my finished Europe map is not on the computer I am currently using. Its at home, and all map pertaining to Europe will have to wait until late december.:eek:

That's fine, since you've already done the Europe map in regards to the British companies... :) *drool*

Do maps on more of those first, then start on doing full continental maps... ;)

I will look forward to reading the TL... :cool:
A TL has always been a goal of mine:cool:, but as for sequel maps, they'll have to be placed outside of Europe:( since my finished Europe map is not on the computer I am currently using. Its at home, and all map pertaining to Europe will have to wait until late december.:eek:
You should definitely do a timeline on this, it is such an awesome idea.
More maps would also be good. :D

I was actually thinking about reviving this idea as well. I'll see what I can scrounge up about it in the next few days.

Dreadnought, it would be good to see some more maps about this idea too...;)

It was always meant to be a series, but I'm looking for ideas for areas outside of Europe...Europe is rather balkanised itself but I believe I've mentioned the other colonial nations before.

I'm willing to take ideas for anything outside of Europe and do a map for it. PM me and I'll take it into consideration of making it cannon. The more interesting the better.

I want to see a world map from this timeline.

Actualy, ever since AE's bump I have been converting it to a world map...Quazaks world map to be precise:D