DBWI: Germany not reunited under the GDR

Following the end of WWII, the Western Allies implemented the Morgenthau Plan, which aimed at the complete deindustrialization of West Germany and forcible pastoralization of the local population. This would ultimately lead to the complete collapse of the European economy (outside the Eastern Bloc) and over four million deaths by starvation in West Germany alone.

It would also result in Soviet intervention by 1953, ending with the reunification of Germany under the East German constitution. Arms and industrial limitations were imposed to keep Germany from ever threatening Europe again, but industrialization was allowed again, and forced pastoralization was brought to an end.

But what if the Soviets didn't intervene? Or, if the US - which at the time was in the throes of political, economic, and social turmoil caused by outrage over the mass starvation in Germany and the economic collapse of Western Europe - had taken action (up to and including war) to prevent the Soviets from reunifying Germany? I mean, officially the Soviets did it to stop the deaths in West Germany, but that's obviously just an excuse: after WWII they could care less, but the prospect of a loyal, German satellite giving them complete control of Central Europe and a foothold in Western Europe was too much to pass up.

What would Europe be like today, had the Soviets not done as they did? Would Germany eventually have reunified, either on their own or under Western auspices? Could the Morgenthau Plan even succeed without killing every last person in West Germany? Or would there be nothing left after another decade?
This requires Butterflying Morganthau plan away. It was worst decision ever. This gave soviets edge in cold war. Had it not been for korea being unified under south, US would have lost the cold war.

But this will cause PCF and italian communist party to stay away from USSR.
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Butterfly Morganthau plan. It was worst decision ever. This caused soviets edge in cold war.

Well, yes, without the catastrophic results of the Morgenthau Plan, the Soviets wouldn't really have an excuse to go west. Also, West Germany has the Rhineland, the heart of German (and by extension European) industry. Without the Morgenthau Plan, the Rhineland - properly reconstructed - could have revitalized Western Europe in a decade at least, as what happened in Central and Eastern Europe once the GDR managed to stabilize the western districts and could focus once more on economic reconstruction (within treaty limits of course).

With that said, even without the Morgenthau Plan, I think the West would still impose similar arms and industrial limitations on West Germany, like the Soviets did on the GDR.
Well, yes, without the catastrophic results of the Morgenthau Plan, the Soviets wouldn't really have an excuse to go west. Also, West Germany has the Rhineland, the heart of German (and by extension European) industry. Without the Morgenthau Plan, the Rhineland - properly reconstructed - could have revitalized Western Europe in a decade at least, as what happened in Central and Eastern Europe once the GDR managed to stabilize the western districts and could focus once more on economic reconstruction (within treaty limits of course).

With that said, even without the Morgenthau Plan, I think the West would still impose similar arms and industrial limitations on West Germany, like the Soviets did on the GDR.
There was marshall plan, which included rearming and reconstructing germany and western europe so it could act as shield against USSR. It was sad thing this didn't made it through..:'(:'(
There was marshall plan, which included rearming and reconstructing germany and western europe so it could act as shield against USSR. It was sad thing this didn't made it through..:'(:'(

Shame about the Marshall Plan indeed :(

With that said, Cold War politics and strategic positioning aside, letting the Soviets in was a better alternative letting the starvation of West Germany continue. If nothing else, it proves that two wrongs don't make a right.