Bush hit by shoes

The Arab world gets wiped off the map, during the course of which lots more Americans get assailed with flying footwear, particularly of the athletic (i.e., spiked) variety. Every Rack Room and Footlocker shoe outlet int the world is put on lockdown, causing sports teams everywhere to have delays in getting their football equipment. No equipment leads to suspension of the NCAA's BCS and NFL's post season. The combination of no NCAA and no NFL leads to drunken rednecks having nothing to do on their weekends, as the NASCAR season has already ended. Suicide rates go sky high. With virtually every straight guy dead, heterosexual women now have no one left for company and so turn to gay men, who simply couldn't "get the juices flowing" in order to re-populate the earth. Within a few years, humanity starts to die off. As if that wasn't enough, all the earth has been Martha Stewart-ized, complete with "cute" little beanie babies, "hang in there" kitties, and lots of frills and lace adorning caskets, courtesy of the few women who out lived everyone else. In another million years or so, an alien species lands on the earth, notices that everything that remains is cute and fluffy. Not knowing that humans once existed, they take this to mean that all the species that remain are pussies, and they are all conquered and enslaved, and a MILLION YEARS OF DARKNESS REIGNS OVER THE UNIVERSE!!!!

(/end Ripple of Evil >:))
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Considering that being hit with footwear is such an affront, or anything to do with the feet in general Bush slaps the Pope into declaring a crusade :p
All Muslims in the middle east who don't support the US are exterminated for being evil heathens :p
Realistically I'd say the the shoe throwers get perforated by the USSS
on another ridiculous thing
Bush turns into Vlad III and impales the Muslim Enemy:D
The Iraqi journalist who threw the shoes would exult, crying, "This is a farewell kiss, you dog!" And the President could contemptuously spit blood back at him, and say, "Who's a dog? You are! If you are a man, and not an insolent cur, why didn't you have the guts to stand up and fling your shoes at Saddam Hussein, when he ruled this land?"
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The Iraqi journalist who threw the shoes would exult, crying, "This is a farewell kiss, you dog!" And the President could contemptuously spit blood back at him, and say, "Who's a dog? You are! If you were a man, and not an insolent cur, why didn't you have the guts to stand up and fling your shoes at Saddam Hussein, when he ruled this land?"
That would be awesome :cool:
Bush would authorize American journalists to throw ham sandwiches at the president of Iraq...
WOW ...

That's Practically a Hate Crime ...

The President of Iran would Make a Much Better Target, Of Such Footwear-Themed Ire, But, If I'm Reading The Tone Over there Correctly; Ahmadinejad will be Stopping a Bullet before Too Long!

Shoe throwing become a popular sport, showed on all major networks. The first international game between the US and Iraq became controversial as the journalist that threw the shoe on Bush is captain of the Iraqi team.
I agree that it would have been interesting if President Bush had hit the thrower with his own shoe.
The reporter was lucky to be alive after he did it as Iraqi security personnel felt it was also an insult to them and beat him up.
I wonder about the symbolism, is it something that thuches the ground and thus bad or is it about losing the support of those who can afford shoes?
I wonder about the symbolism, is it something that thuches the ground and thus bad or is it about losing the support of those who can afford shoes?
No I'm thinking its that one should not show ones feet in public because they are unclean to strike someone with one's shoe is very disrespectful