AHC: Resignation of Presidents & Governors More Acceptable

With a POD after 1900, how would you make the resignation of Presidents and governors for reasons other than health more acceptable?

I await what you have to say!
I heard (somewhere on this forum) that if FDR lived longer, he was planning to resign after the war to become the United Nations Secretary General. So that could set a precedent of resignation not necessarily being bad.
That's very difficult to do considering these people have fought for their whole lives to gain their positions. The only plausible reason I could see for multiple resignations not for health/scandal reasons would be for a higher position. If you made it common place for Presidents to appoint sitting governors to cabinet positions I could see many abandoning their post to rise to federal level.
Yes, EZ, we are dealing with super-competitive, type AAA personalities. But I wonder if anything could be done to lessen this tendency. Ironically, in sports, some coaches move on when their athletes tune them out, and athletes, of course, retire. CEOs move on as well, one example being Bill Gates' becoming a philanthropist.

I agree with you, EZ, though, about OTL in the USA.
Maybe if there were longer terms, and no term limits, presidents and governors would resign earlier out of tiredness? Like lets say there were seven year terms like Weimar Germany, with chance for reelection, maybe a president would get tired after a decade in power and resign.
Interesting...Emperor...although I am wondering what the POD would be for such long terms.

FDR? The Progressives? Before 1900?

A seven-year term seems quite long, especially if one can be re-elected, and especially if the President is relatively young (like Clinton). He/she might be doing the country a service by resigning early.