11/11/40 bloody repression in Paris

On 11/11/40, despite french and german authorities forbidding any demonstration, A few thousands of Paris youth organised a demonstration to celebrate the end of WWI, which turned into a pro-de Gaulle one.

From fr.soc.histoire

11 novembre 1940 - France: manifestation estudiantine à Paris -

Le lundi 11 novembre 1940, Paris est occupé depuis presque cinq mois
et la Résistance intérieure n'est encore qu'au stade embryonnaire.

C'est dans ce contexte que la manifestation des lycéens et étudiants
se développa, à la suite de l'arrestation du professeur Langevin,
le 30 octobre 1940, qui donna lieu le 8 octobre à une première
manifestation réclamant sa libération.

Très vite, des tracts circulent dans les lycées, notamment à Janson
de Sailly, Carnot, Condorcet, Buffon, Chaptal et Henri IV, et à la Corpo
de Droit dans le Quartier Latin, appelant à manifester le jour
de l'Armistice, à 17h30.

Peu avant 17h, deux élèves de Janson de Sailly, Igor de Shotten
et Dubost, déposent une grande gerbe en forme de croix de Lorraine
sur la tombe du Soldat inconnu, sous l'Arc de Triomphe.

Rassemblés progressivement sur les Champs-Elysées, des groupes de
jeunes de plus en plus nombreux convergent vers l'Arc de Triomphe
aux alentours de 17h15.

Les policiers français n'interviennent pas. D'abord silencieuse,
la manifestation laisse bientôt échapper des acclamations faisant
référence au général de Gaulle, et quelques drapeaux tricolores
font leur apparition.

La répression policière par la Wehrmacht commença à 18h. Il y eut
une centaine d'arrestations, dont 90 lycéens et quelques blessés.
Au total, environ 2500 jeunes gens avaient participé à ce qui fut
l'une des premières manifestations collectives du refus de la défaite.

So, let's suppose that the Wermacht, instead of a relatively mild repression ( 100 arrests and a few wounded out of 2,500 youth ), goes for a much more brutal solution and machine guns the demonstrators ( maybe the wermacht detachment dealing with the demonstration is headed by a fanatical french-hating Nazi ).

So, Blood is flowing on the Place de l'etoile, as hundreds of youth ( 15 to 17 y-old teenagers ) are lying dead and hundreds more wounded. Fleeing survivors are hunted down in the streets of Paris and arrested or diseapeared, along with familly members or anyone trying to intervene, in some cases.

What are the effects on French Resistance ( FFI and FFL )? French Collaboration? Others?
prehaps french riots- prehaps even an uprising but i cant see it resulting in anything cept brutal slaughter.
well. imho, much more hostility towards the Germans as a result- perhaps less reluctance by former french soldiers to keep fighting the Nazis after seeing what the Nazis are all about ?


Perhaps more of the French colonies join the Free French when news of the atrocity gets out?
Perhaps more of the French colonies join the Free French when news of the atrocity gets out?

i think there could be potential for the Pied Noirs in North Africa to declare themselves on the British side- which could help the British against the Italians, say if French forces attack the Italian rear, then the war in North Africa could be over soon after.

This frees up British forces for other theatre incl the oft remarked SEA Theatre and the extra French troops could be used too.

Theres also the proganda element in the US and other countries.

I recant my first post on this thread. this just might have important implications.


i think there could be potential for the Pied Noirs in North Africa to declare themselves on the British side- which could help the British against the Italians, say if French forces attack the Italian rear, then the war in North Africa could be over soon after.

This frees up British forces for other theatre incl the oft remarked SEA Theatre and the extra French troops could be used too.

Theres also the proganda element in the US and other countries.

I recant my first post on this thread. this just might have important implications.
Well, I don't necessarily see any big ramifications IN FRANCE - more recruits for the Resistance(s) but not a dramatic change - but it could have considerable consequences for the Free French and the colonies.
Well, I don't necessarily see any big ramifications IN FRANCE - more recruits for the Resistance(s) but not a dramatic change - but it could have considerable consequences for the Free French and the colonies.

I´d say it depends on the amount of press coverage. If journalists from neutral countries manage pictures of angelic youths dead, we have a symbol, with consequences,
if not, we have one more wreath laying ceremony.