
  1. WI - John Hinckley Jr. manages to kill Reagan?

    Okay let’s just say Hinckley by chance manages to land a fatal headshot on Reagan and Reagan dies there at the Washington Hilton. George h.w Bush succeeds Reagan after only two months of Reagan being president. How do you think the timeline changes?
  2. MAXIMUM TOM: What if Tom McCall won the 1976 presidential election?

    I wanted to explore this post from 2018 more deeply, as I found it fascinating. The last comment describes a scenario where Tom McCall, a popular Oregon governor, wins the presidential election in 1976 as an independent. I will quote some of the info from the OP and the last comment on the post...
  3. durante

    Who is the ideal Candidate to defeat Reagan in 1980?

    With a PoD no early than Ford's inauguration, who is the best candidate to be a Democrat President who wins the 1976 and 1980 elections? I'm still open to the possibility of it being Carter, but it you suggest Carter, what should Carter do differently to put him in the best position to beat...
  4. Bomster

    Paul Newman, the Left’s Reagan?

    Here’s a concept I’ve thought a bit about before. Paul Newman was a famous actor, a veteran, a race-car driver, and a Progressive Democrat. He used his star power to support various left-wing candidates and campaigns, such as Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, and causes such as gay rights. What...
  5. Heart of Glass - A Revolution Diverged
    Threadmarks: Part 1 - The Empire Strikes Back

    May, 1st, 1980 After being delayed a week for technical issues The United States of America initiated Operation Eagle Claw to rescue the Iranian Embassy hostages. While there were some hiccups in the operation, the hostages would be successfully rescued and returned to the United States within...
  6. HaroldGodwinson

    A Topsy-Turvy Tale: A Liberal Republican Party and Conservative Populist Democrats in US Politics

    What if the Republican Party had become the bastion of liberal, center-left values, while the Democrats took on a conservative, populist center-right to right-wing ideology?
  7. Alias_The_J

    Media landscape in a world where Reagan was assassinated in 1981?

    In 1981, Ronald Reagan is as nearly assassinated by John Hinkley Jr. There are, of course, plenty of threads on the matter- for plenty of press ions, since Reagan set the nature of US politics for the next 40 years (at least!). But one unremarked point was in the media landscape; under Reagan...
  8. Seven Days to the River Rhine: the Third World War - a TL
    Threadmarks: Prologue: The Cold War, 1945-1983.

    I've been working on something new for a while and today I feel ready to post the first small piece of this TL. The topic is the outbreak of a Third World War in 1983, escalating into a full nuclear exchange between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Seven Days to the River Rhine: the Third World War...
  9. Bomster

    WI: Nixon stopped on the first ballot at the 1968 RNC?

    Despite having lost the presidential election as the Republican candidate in 1960, Richard Nixon was perfectly positioned to win the nomination again in 1968 because he had high name recognition and was able to unite the Republican Party, whereas his main competitors, Nelson Rockefeller and...
  10. Bomster

    WI: Reagan wins the 1976 Republican Nomination?

    IOTL, the 1976 GOP Nomination was undecided all the way up to the convention itself, with Ford having a slight edge over Ronald Reagan. Reagan, making a bold gamble to try to win over support, made the presumptuous move of naming a running mate, specifically Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania, a...
  11. Valenca

    Storm Before The Calm -
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    STORM BEFORE THE CALM: Prologue: the epiphany of a peanut. December 4th, 1979 The President of the United States fumbled with his tie in frustration, his thoughts clearly clouded by his emotions. James Earl Carter had been known as a kind, calm, and warm figure to most Americans. But anyone...
  12. Reagan 1968

    I’ve seen many such threads that Reagan would be rejected by voters; that he was a rabid Goldwater fanatic that couldn’t appeal to moderates. If that was the case, then how did he manage to win the 1966 California gubernatorial election, defeating Pat Brown in a landslide? People forget the...
  13. AHC - Carl Albert beats a Reagan/Romney GOP ticket

    Came across a banner over at the New Campaign Trail for a scenario where Carl Albert leads a Democratic ticket to victory over Ronald Reagan and George Romney. See my reddit thread where I asked for some background. Seems there's not much idea what the premise is, so your challenge is a POD to...
  14. Marklin

    WI Reagan re-elected until death in a world with no 22nd Amendment

    My views on the man aside, Reagan was a very popular president in his time, and I've seen it be said on this board that if there was no 22nd amendment, it's very possible that Reagan would've stayed in office for a very long time. So I wanted to posit the question: What would the 90s and early...
  15. WI: Reagan (1981-1989), Bush (1989-1997), Kemp (1997-?)

    The first big change in this scenario is that instead of picking Quayle as his running mate, Bush picks Jack Kemp instead. He was one of the finalists for the VP pick along with Bob and Elizabeth Dole, and it will bolster his credentials when he runs in 1996. It also gives Bush more credibility...
  16. WI: Reagan/Bush in 1968

    The first POD is that George H. W. Bush narrowly wins the 1964 Texas Senatorial Election, meaning he is larger figure on the national stage and a small contender for the nomination in 1968. The second POD is that Reagan wins the Republican nomination in 1968 after Nixon fails to win the first...
  17. Vidal

    WI: No Watergate scandal

    This topic has gotten some attention on the boards, but most of the comments were along the lines of "People trust government more" and called it a day. I'm hoping to begin a more earnest discussion based on a few central questions. Point of Divergence: IOTL, the Watergate burglary was foiled...
  18. The_Russian

    Effects on 1980 if Carter beats Reagan in 1976, BUT...

    So I was playing the New Campaign Trail game and began thinking what the effects would be on the 1980 presidential election if Regan beat out Ford for the 1976 republican primary, but then went on to lose to Carter in the electoral college while winning the popular vote. I know this scenario...
  19. Reagan dies before 1980

    Reagan trips over a snail and dies before the 1980 election. Who is Carter running against, and is there any chance whatsoever that he can still win this election?
  20. The_Persian_Cat

    How could Iran-Contra have gone different?

    Hey all, So, the Iran-Contra scandal could have gone different in a lot of ways, a lot of which we'll probably never know. What scenarios about the Iran-Contra Affair would you think are most interesting? One obvious one would be if Reagan was directly implicated. Under what circumstances...