
  1. Lexyflop

    Prevent The WW1 era genocides within the Ottoman Empire

    Been reading a a bit about Ottoman history recently, and was wondering if there are any realistic PODs that would prevent the genocides and ethnic violence that occurred in the moiety during WW1? EG Armenian, Assyrian genocides. Obviously there probably isn’t just one simple POD but i’d be...
  2. Crusade of 1101 conquers Seljuk Anatolia

    Crusade of 1101was the answer to the calls for reinforcements from the newly established Kingdom of Jerusalem, and Pope Paschal II. This Crusade was by three different armies. They invaded the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum seperately one after another. Because of their lack of coordination and bad...
  3. Seljuk WI: Suleiman ibn Qutalmish isn't killed?

    The son of a Seljuk prince who lost a dispute for the throne, Suleiman ibn Qutalmish took advantage of the civil wars that engulfed the Byzantine Empire after the Battle of Manzikert to take over most of Anatolia during the 1070s, laying the foundations of a new state, the Sultanate of Rum...
  4. Cradle of civilization in Anatolia

    Why didnt a cradle of civilization start in Anatolia (Anatolia seems like a richer enviornment than mesopotamia)? and what if one did arise from there.
  5. Crusade of Nicopolis not on 1396 but after Ankara on 1402

    What if the crusade of Nicopolis didn't happen on 1396 but after the Battle of Ankara on 1402. Would the crusaders throw the Ottomans out of Europe and Asia Minor . Would Hungary take a lot of former Ottoman lands ? Would it under the Hunyadis be able to do what Ottomans did to the balkans ...
  6. Keeping the Trebizond: Commerce and Conflict in the Age of the Merchant Princes
    Threadmarks: Opening

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 August 1472 A soft rain falls. The sky is gray, the dark of the sea rising up to...
  7. AHC: Have turkey experience massive economic and gdp growth.

    With a POD starting as early 1992, have Turkey's economy grow substantially greater and larger than irl with a GDP at least at 1 trillion USD.
  8. No Byzantine population transfers in Armenia

    from what ive read it appears that the byzantine government had a policy of transfering armenians out of their home areas and to other parts of the empire and emporor Constantine IX Monomachos even disbanded a large army stationed in the eastern frontier. that left armenia and eastern anatolia...
  9. PC : Max Ancient Egypt expansion

    Plausibility check : How much can Ancient Egypt expand and settle in Mediterranean and Africa without touching Mesopotamia from Narmer until Hyksos with continuous wars of expansion, full political and religious support and without dynastic change or wars of succession ? direction of expansion
  10. Sarthak

    Bayezid the Thunderbolt wins the Battle of Ankara - Effects?

    The Battle of Ankara almost ended the Ottoman Empire iotl. Iotl, Bayezid I arrived on the battlefield on the 19th, but decided to camp instead of attacking immediately when Timur's army was strung out and could have been defeated piecemeal as advised by Stephan Lazarevic. Let's say Bayezid takes...
  11. AHQ: No Persian Empire and a Divided Anatolia-Mid East, effect on Greece.

    Greetings, We know well from otl what the effect was on Greece and Hellenic culture when there was a large imperial regime and geopolitical power to the east in Anatolia, the Levant and Egypt in the form of the Achaemenid Empire. However, in opposition to a large unified imperium, what would...
  12. What if Rum was the Ottoman Empire of this world?

    In an alternate universe after 1,000 years of life, the flag of Rum waves victoriously over Constantinople. Rum, once a small sultanate in southern Anatolia, has grown to dominate the region. now the question is, what's next for rum? who will they invade next? will they stray from their Greek...
  13. WI: Safavid conquests of Anatolia

    Just as the title says, what happens if the Safavids defeated the Ottomans and conquering Anatolia under their rule? How would this impacts on the world as the result of Safavid Persian conquest of Anatolia? What will affect on Iranian heartlands?
  14. Etruscan-enthusiast35

    AHC: Have Anatolia be considered European

    Exactly as the title says, find a way for Anatolia Peninsula to be considered a part of Europe. For simplicity's sake, we'll use this as the starting point, though if necessary we can include or exclude other territories.
  15. AHC: Muslim Iberia, Christian Anatolia

    Your challenge is to have Iberia be mostly Muslim and Anatolia be mostly Christian, rather than the other way around as it is IOTL.
  16. AHC: Surviving Anatolian languages

    Your challenge is to have the Anatolian language family survive to the present day.
  17. AdamNeuser

    [DISCUSSION] The Umayyad Caliphate wins the siege of Constantinople (717-718)

    The Siege of Constantinople in 717 AD was the Umayyad Caliphate's major combined arms offensive against the Roman Empire. And one of the largest sea and land military operations across the entire medieval era. The decision to lay siege to the city came about mostly as a result of an extended...
  18. AHD: Urartu/Biainili/Armenia: An empire Arising From the Hills
    Threadmarks: The Kingdom of Biai, its formation and origins

    Introduction to the topic As I have discussed somewhat on the forum regarding the idea of the steppe empire and its forming in response to sedentary empires from more traditionally state-friendly environs (namely river valleys); there should also be a discussion given into the curious example...
  19. Višeslav

    No ottomans, who, if anyone replaces the Bzyantines

    The main question is just the title. The way I see it, post-manzikert, the Byzantines were more or less doomed to decline (feel free to correct this if you see it as wrong) but without the ottomans, they would not have done so as quickly and, of course, if they did decline, would be replaced by...
  20. JustinianTheGrand

    What if the Pope declared a Crusade against the Ottomans in 1470?

    The fall of Constantinople is often considered to be one of the biggest blows to Christendom in history. However, the remaining Christian Kingdoms did not attempt to reclaim the ancient city. What if the Pope decided to declare a crusade to reclaim the Balkans and Anatolia around 1470 against...