1912 election

  1. What if Theodore Roosevelt had decided to run for an official second term in 1908?

    How would the popular vote and Electoral College would be? Assuming that he respected Taft's wishes to become a Supreme Court judge and picked Elihu Root to Run in 1912, how the election would be different?
  2. What if Elihu Root was elected president in 1912?

    Teddy is reelected in 1908, and Taft became a Supreme Court Judge. So Teddy Picked his Secretary of State Elihu Root to run In 1912. With No split vote, Elihu Root became president in 1912 with Hiriam Johnson as his VP. How this would change WW1? Your Opinions?
  3. What if Elihu Root was elected president in 1908?

    Taft initially declined to be president, so Teddie picked the US Secretary of State Elihu Root as his successor, Would he have been a better president than Taft? With his age would he step down and not seek reelection in 1912 ?, Like Hayes did, For the record He was 67 in 1912. 1880 when Hayes...
  4. Teddy Roosevelt enacts Universal Health Care

    Theodore Roosevelt campaigned for nomination in the 1912 Republican National Convention and lost. He founded the Progressive Party to campaign seperately for the Presidential Election. The party's platform called for Universal Health Care. Yet the party the 1912 elections. America didn't develop...
  5. TheDoofusUser

    WI : Henry Ford (D-MI) instead of Woodrow Wilson (D-NJ) in 1912?

    What if, in say 1907 or 1908, Henry Ford switched parties to the Democrats and in 1912 was selected by them to be their nominee for President? Could he win the 1912 Election? What would said election be like? Who would be Ford's running mate? Who would likely be in Ford's Cabinet and be his...
  6. Hulkster'01

    Would FDR ever become president if Teddy won in 1912?

    Like the title says, if Theodore Roosevelt won in 1912 (and 1916 if you want) would FDR ever become president later on or is that butterflied away?
  7. A Progressive Presidency: A Roosevelt/Johnson 1912 Collaborative TL

    November 5, 1912: By a narrow margin, former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt and his running mate, Governor Hiram Johnson, manage to win the 1912 U.S. election on the Progressive Party ticket, defeating Republican incumbent William H. Taft and Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson. March 4...
  8. TheDetailer

    What happens to the South if Woodrow Wilson loses in 1912?

    Presume that Theodore Roosevelt or any over candidate manages to win the 1912 election against Woodrow Wilson, what happens to the South because of this? Will things get better? Or would things be worse? Will there be some mass violence in reaction to ‘their guy’ not getting in charge? Or would...
  9. The Teddy Bear Roars
    Threadmarks: 1912 Presidential Election

    This is my first Timeline, which aims to rely on an infobox style inspired by that of 'True Grit'. This is an idea I have been working on for a while, and that I hope to update in the coming days. Enjoy...
  10. Hawkeye

    US postwar politics if Roosevelt won in 1912

    How would the Democrat and Republican parties be different if president Taft decided to not seek reelection for whatever reason and ex-president Theodore Roosevelt went on to win the Republican nomination and the 1912 election? Particularly how it would affect the Republican party in 1920...
  11. Bomster

    How can Teddy Roosevelt win in 1912?

    In American politics, being a third party is difficult. Historically a two party system, the United States has rarely had a third party find success in elections, and when they do that party typically takes the place of another in the duopoly. In 1912, a split in the Republican Party led to a...
  12. Everdarklegion

    The Yanks are Coming: A Look at the United States and the Great War

    How President Roosevelt convinced America to go to War When he won the election of 1912, Theodore Roosevelt knew that his legacy would be defined by his third term. Roosevelt immediately began to introduce legislation to limit the work day to eight hours. He believed that ensuring that every...
  13. Bomster

    If Teddy Roosevelt won in 1912, how would this affect America’s participation in WW1?

    So let’s imagine that Theodore Roosevelt narrowly defeats William Howard Taft for the 1912 Republican Nomination, and goes on to defeat Woodrow Wilson in the General Election. With Roosevelt back in the Oval Office, how would World War One be affected? Could it be avoided altogether, if...
  14. If TR Runs and Wins in 1908, Who Wins in 1912?

    Suppose that Theodore Roosevelt never made his 1904 pledge to not run for a third term, and he runs and wins in 1908. In this scenario, who wins in 1912?
  15. WI: TR Doesn't Run in 1912

    Theodore Roosevelt originally planned to sit out the 1912 election and wait for 1916. But he later changed his mind and unsuccessfully challenged President Taft in 1912. After being denied the Republican nomination, he ran on the Progressive ticket and came in second place to Woodrow Wilson...
  16. WI President Taft is assassinated during a visit to Mexico?

    In 1909, Mexican President Porfirio Diaz requested a summit with US President William Taft in El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Diaz aimed to demonstrate US support for his run for re-election, and Taft hoped to protect US investments from political instability in Mexico. The summit...
  17. WI Democrat Wilson vs. Republican Rooseevelt 1912

    Hi All! I am Light Star and this is my first idea for a timeline. I really need a plausibility check here. I was also hoping to get help information and tips on resources I could use to write such a timeline. What does everyone think? Could this be both an interesting and plausible timeline?
  18. WI US Socialists get 10% in 1912

    What if Eugene Debs had managed to win one in ten votes cast for President in 1912?
  19. Hulkster'01

    If Theodore Roosevelt was elected in 1912, would the 22nd amendment be passed?

    Of course it would've been a different number but would it?
  20. Would Champ Clark have won in 1916?

    The 1912 Democratic Convention was very close, and for a long time Champ Clark was considered a likely nominee, even getting a majority of delegates to support him. Had he won the nomination, he would have very likely won the general election, due to the split in the Republican party...