
  1. pandizzy

    La Reina Loca: A Juana I of Castile Timeline
    Threadmarks: September 1495.

    First posted on patreon! Valladolid, Castile. September 1495. A fresh breeze came from the city, filtering into her chambers and snapping the curtains of her windows. It was a good day, she determined, neither too warm nor too cold. The sort of day that started good and could only end good...
  2. The Gybson Boy

    Catherine of Aragon gives birth to Arthur's twin daughters in 1502 and Henry dies in 1505

    Catherine of Aragon and his oldest Daugther Elizabeth The marriage of Arthur and Catherine is actually consummated, the young prince Arthur dies as OTL and it is discovered that Catherine is pregnant, finally on July 25, 1502 she gives birth to twin girls who are named Elizabeth and Mary. Three...
  3. The Gybson Boy

    Queen Mary's six husbands: Henry VIII dies in 1516, how could Mary Tudor end up having six husbands?
    Threadmarks: The King is Dead, Long Live the Queen

    The Young Queen Mary in her younger years "Queen Mary Tudor was born on February 18, 1516, at the Palace of Placentia in Greenwich, her birth was seen with some disappointment by her father, King Henry VIII, who had long hoped for a son to guarantee the continuity of the Tudor dynasty, the The...
  4. GameBawesome

    WI: Catholic Church splits apart in the 16th Century

    Based off an old thread I did a year ago, but didn't want to do thread necromancy, and also an updated religious map What if, a string of Popes in Rome that are so corrupt, so incompetent, and does something so stupid (Like maybe making the Roman Papacy hereditary) that they shatter the view of...
  5. GameBawesome

    Effects of a early Protestant France?

    Protestantism in France is complicated. Francis I initially maintain a level of tolerances, until the 1530s, and his successors would get into conflicts with the Huguenots, who conflicted with the Larger Catholic French Nobles, starting the French Wars of Religion What if, instead of the French...
  6. AU: Margaret Tudor was Born a Boy

    This is a separate thread for the same POD - but with different butterflies (you don’t need to read the other one to read this one). The main butterfly: what if William Tudor (male!Margaret) butterflied away the death of Arthur, Prince of Wales? Some plausible reasons for this: William Tudor...
  7. WI: Richard of Shrewsbury Not In Tower of London

    1481: - Mary of York survives her illness, but is sent to Wales due to her frail health 1483: - Edward IV dies - Gloucester gains custody of Edward V and beheads Anthony Woodville, Earl Rivers and Sir Richard Grey; marches to London - Hastings informs the Queen Dowager (Elizabeth Woodville)...
  8. GameBawesome

    WI: Protestant Military Orders

    What if, during the 1500s and 1600s, during the Protestant Reformation, various groups of protestants form brotherhoods, equivalent to the religious Military Orders, like the Templars and Teutonic Knights, to protect other protestants from violent Catholic reprisals and crackdowns?
  9. GameBawesome

    WI: Catholic World shatters in the 16th century

    What if, a string of Popes in Rome that are so corrupt, so incompetent, and does something so stupid (Like maybe making the Roman Papacy hereditary) that they shatter the view of the Roman Papacy. Later when the Protestant Reformation happens, the Catholic world just shatters, and New Antipopes...
  10. Advice on what would happen if the Aztecs defeated the Spanish in 1520 and how would it happen?

    Hello everybody. Well, this is my first time posting on Alternatehistory.com since I've heard of this site since I was on the AltHistory Wiki in Wikia/FANDOM. But I am currently here because I need advice on a timeline I am writing on the Alternate History Wiki on Miraheze called Mexica Victory...
  11. WI: Turks take Vienna in 1529

    What happens if the Ottoman siege of Vienna in 1529 is successful?
  12. The terms of the Treaty of Crépy are met: Charles of Valois marries Maria of Austria

    Terms of the Treaty of Crépy (1544): -Both King Francis I of France and Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor abandon their various conflicting claims and restore the status quo of 1538: the Emperor would relinquish his claim to the Duchy of Burgundy and the King of France would do the same in regards...
  13. water123

    How would a surviving Latin Empire handle an alt-Protestant Reformation?

    Exactly what it says on the tin. How would a surviving Latin Empire handle an alternate Protestant Reformation that occurs around the 1500's. I honestly think that the Latin Empire actually would have a significant draw towards embracing a reformation. By the time any kind of reformation...
  14. Elizabeth Tudor dies 1556-1557= King Darnley?

    I recently read Alison Weirs biography of Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox, and it got me thinking. Throughout Mary I’s reign, she was pretty determined to see her cousin and closest friend, Margaret Douglas, and then her son, Lord Darnley, become her heirs. However, Parliament was very...
  15. Terranical

    How would a Portuguese Sri Lanka look like today if the Portuguese had saved it from the Dutch?

    The Portuguese at one point controlled Sri Lanka for a while, then they lost the colony due to Dutch Invasions which was turned into a Dutch Colony, what would happen if Portugal managed to keep the colony from invaders like the Dutch? Would we have a Portuguese speaking island country like...
  16. kasumigenx

    Tarik's Domain - A Philippines Timeline
    Threadmarks: Verse 1

    Bangkusay! Verse 1 Princess Kandarapa's betrothal to one of the Saludongese nobles fell apart in the late 1560's due to what the Luzones are treating the ethnic Saludongese in the areas that are conquered by Bolkiahs and in this time the people would not support the alliance between the...
  17. Henry VIII dies 1512, which sister does he name his heir?

    If Henry VIII had died in late 1511 or early 1512, is it possible that he would have named his younger sister, Mary Tudor, as his heir, if he had lived long enough to write such a will? His older sister, Margaret, is Queen of Scots and the rightful heir, but later Henry would put Mary’s heirs...
  18. The survival of George, Duke of Bedford

    Hello! This is my first post on here after reading countless alternate timelines. I have been researching this idea on and off for about a month and I have just plucked up the courage to post. Any idea’s, help, critiques and so fourth are most welcome. George, Duke of Bedford, third son of...
  19. Olena

    Would Mary Queen of Scots remarry if...

    Say that Mary, Queen of Scots had begat a son by François II of France around July of 1560, and then been widowed per OTL later that December. We'll refer to the son as Henrii III (christened: Henrii James). As the queen mother of France, would she likely consider remarriage? Any child she bore...
  20. L'dor V'dor: An Odyssey
    Threadmarks: 1

    L'dor V'dor An Odyssey 1558 Belvedere Castle, Kostantiniyye‎ Gracia Nasi tapped her fingers on the desk as she waited for her partner and son-in-law to enter. Joseph had been visiting the Crown Prince at the palace, likely discussing affairs of state and perhaps the latest exotic item to...