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  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • Alternate universes we should include at some point, but probably as a thing on the side. With the proto-hero stuff, I also intend to do entries covering the following--
    -Nick Carter
    -Doc Savage
    -Dick Tracy
    -some of the works of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne
    I also plan on doing geography posts (I intend to do one on lost worlds, and possibly one surveying the lay-out of the nations of this world)
  • Ulahlica-Ulahlica

  • I'm very well, thank you. Do you have any further posts planned concerning Heroes Through The Ages, and what did you think of the pulp hero ideas that I've been posting for it?
    Chiropteroid 1
    I do get a new idea here and then. I was thinking of a possible filler post on the narcotics available in the setting, at least, and some possible expansions to the Rust Age heroes.

    There was also some nice expansions on the proto-heroes there. Council of 8 was a clever idea, among others,

    Hmm... I wonder if we should include alternate universes...
  • Kallin


  • I'm restarting Cartoon Universe for good now; it will be up as a collaborative venture on Fandom AH. Are you still interested?
  • Kallin


  • Hey, @Chiropteroid, so I've been doing some thinking lately, and I still really want to do my Cartoon Universe idea I had a while back. You seemed the most interested in it, so I was thinking I'd approach you on how best to reboot it. Are you interested?

    I was actually trying to start a convo with you, but it wouldn't let me, so I posted on your page.
  • LordYam

  • I've started my own DC universe thread on Fandom AH

    Also, a thousand pardons for not having made anything. I've been having a lot of iron in the fire lately.
    What do you think of what I have so far?
  • Ken NM

  • Just saw the D&D and Asoiaf fic remake. I'm excited to see where it goes, I was a fan of the old one.
    Chiropteroid 1
    Thanks, but I think the real honor goes to grayhicks.

    Nonetheless, it's always fun to have one more
  • LordYam

  • Do you mind if I borrow one of your DC Ideas (the idea of the House of Zytle being inbred)
    Go ahead. I wasn't really doing anything with the idea anyway.

    Just give me a link to your work when it's up.
    I have a rough outline of Superman and Batman, and some ideas for Vandal Savage. Wonder Woman is a stumbling block. Mind if I send it over?
  • grayhicks

  • Let's create a new one. For a while, we can see about having discussion on how ASOIAF might look when crossed with the different variations of DnD, such as Eberron, or Theros, core, or Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance, ect.
    All right. I'll put the thread up once I've got my chores finished(unless you want to put it up).
  • grayhicks

  • I would love to see anything on the idea in general. I just got my hands of the Theros book, so the whole concept has been swimming in my head again.
    Well, why not?

    Speaking of Theros, would you like to have elements from that setting added as well(along with possibly others)?

    Also, shall we recycle the old thread I used or create a new one for this project?
  • grayhicks

  • Hey Chiropteroid, did you ever get around to working out more details for that ASOIAF/ Eberron crossover idea?
    Not as such.

    But I did consider recycling the rest of my original ideas for A Song of Dungeons and Dragons. I mean, you have focused mostly on the Targaryens, which were a problem for me in the original idea, so it should work relatively well. Especially since Eberron is specifically a setting, where mostly everything goes.

    What do you think?
  • JRogyRogy


  • Just wanted to say dude, I have read some of your posts on the Worldwar thread and I LOVE this Anti-Race you've thought up! I find these penguin guys even more interesting than the lizards themselves. Would you be interested in collaborating on such a scenario?
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