Red Alert - Our 1953 USSR

With the verdict pronounced and the sentence delivered, Beria and his fellow defendants faced the ultimate penalty: death

1. Decide the fate of MVD and MGB agants who betrayed Beria and handled him to victorious Red Army.\
A) Show leniency
B) Punish them for their role in Beria's failed coup.

2. Should USSR end the ongoing conflict in Korea?
A) Yes
B) No

3. Please write down, initiatives and topics to be addressed during the first 100 days of the new Soviet leadership.
1. B
2. A
3. Promote consumer goods production, perhaps loosen state control over the economy and reform the state apparatus to promote economic data collection and coordination of all economic actors within the economy. Instead of quotas, we should strive for targets to reach, with greater rewards if they surpass them. We should also increase our ties with the Eastern European countries to keep the Warsaw Pact and COMECON united.
Say @panpiotr would Bernia coup and the battle of Moscow be called the second Russian civil war
Why would it? The battle was limited only to Moscow and barely had an effect outside the city in terms of battles or damages. At most it could be called a violent coup.
Say @panpiotr would Bernia coup and the battle of Moscow be called the second Russian civil war
Why would it? The battle was limited only to Moscow and barely had an effect outside the city in terms of battles or damages. At most it could be called a violent coup.
Looking back at the date, it will probably be called the May Day Coup. It’s not the exact date of May Day, but it wouldn’t be the first time historians fudge the dating to make a name stick better.
Zhukov's memories of Beria's role in the Great Purge and the subsequent decimation of the officer corps in the late 1930s were still fresh. Zhukov, having witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of Beria's actions on the military ranks, harbored deep-seated resentment towards the former head of the security apparatus
Beria was in Georgia during the Great Purge and had no role whatsoever in decimating the officer corps. Moreover, Beria was selected and appointed by Stalin with the specific aim to lessen the excesses of mass repression and bring it within acceptable (for Stalin) limits. In 1939-1940 150.000 people were released from jails and labor camps, and this period is called Beria's Thaw. Zhukov does not know the exact numbers, but Beria's role in those events is not a secret to him. In 1953 Beria and Zhukov were on friendly terms, and Zhukov in July even warned him about his imminent arrest in Kremlin.
We really need to also focus on computers and other electronic industries since that'll help with space expedition, economy, bureaucracy and the like.
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Beria was in Georgia during the Great Purge and had no role whatsoever in decimating the officer corps. Moreover, Beria was selected and appointed by Stalin with the specific aim to lessen the excesses of mass repression and bring it within acceptable (for Stalin) limits. In 1939-1940 150.000 people were released from jails and labor camps, and this period is called Beria's Thaw. Zhukov does not know the exact numbers, but Beria's role in those events is not a secret to him. In 1953 Beria and Zhukov were on friendly terms, and Zhukov in July even warned him about his imminent arrest in Kremlin.
Yup, but i had to somehow come with idea of putting Zhukov in charge as players wanted, that is the best idea i managed to come up with though.