Red Alert - Our 1953 USSR

Hey @panpiotr should we do a vote to get as many blacklisted filmmakers in Hollywood into our nation so we can show the world what true filmmakers are and it won’t be til jfk that the blacklisted are lifted
If we put aside all the controversial issues related to censorship and other things, then there is one big problem that will not allow us to do this - there is simply no money. From 1943 to 1953, economic ruin and shortages of materials meant that fewer than 30 films were made per year. The distribution was actively filled with trophy and allied films (including those shot in Germany). Only by 1956 did the industry normalize and more than 100 films were produced annually. In such conditions, there is no way to pay Hollywood stars the usual fees (which is why this issue was not raised at all).
I will post it in few hours
Oh boy I wonder what will happen also guys we should make our own UN (which is the comitern) that slowly turns all of the Soviet nations into a world government also the chairman of the comitern or well it should be called the internationals should be voted in so all nations follow their ideology as best they can (note they don’t have to change their ideology just well the methods the chairman ask the nations want them to.) with this and making each nation mandate eachother slowly they will transition into one leading us into a future where this world government will be the most powerful one in the world