A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

Since this is a summary for possible new readers, maybe it should be mentioned that The Troubles are the name the Yankees gave TTL's Great Depression, which included a much worse economic crash, much worse ecological disaster, and much much worse social upheaval, including a lot of open violence across the country.
Since this is a summary for possible new readers, maybe it should be mentioned that The Troubles are the name the Yankees gave TTL's Great Depression, which included a much worse economic crash, much worse ecological disaster, and much much worse social upheaval, including a lot of open violence across the country.

What ecological disaster?
Since this is a summary for possible new readers, maybe it should be mentioned that The Troubles are the name the Yankees gave TTL's Great Depression, which included a much worse economic crash, much worse ecological disaster, and much much worse social upheaval, including a lot of open violence across the country.

Not to mention that President William Gibbs McAdoo was absolutely the worst President that the US could have during The Troubles, as he constantly pandered to the KKK, offered few relief services from the government; basically he was the 'Anti-FDR' if you want an analogy.

Keep in mind, that this has been the worst possible scenario for the US given the time of the POD and the geopolitical factors involved, and had the US had even average political leadership, well, they would still have a Depression, but not the near Civil War where the US generally went to shit.

Even in a worst case scenario, the US is still one of the leading Great Powers of the world with a large, industrialized population, huge natural resources and a huge market. When you reach rock bottom, nowhere else to go but up. I'd argue that because of the Troubles, that race relations in TTL US are better than those at the same point of time OTL.
Not to mention that President William Gibbs McAdoo was absolutely the worst President that the US could have during The Troubles, as he constantly pandered to the KKK, offered few relief services from the government; basically he was the 'Anti-FDR' if you want an analogy.

Keep in mind, that this has been the worst possible scenario for the US given the time of the POD and the geopolitical factors involved, and had the US had even average political leadership, well, they would still have a Depression, but not the near Civil War where the US generally went to shit.

Even in a worst case scenario, the US is still one of the leading Great Powers of the world with a large, industrialized population, huge natural resources and a huge market. When you reach rock bottom, nowhere else to go but up. I'd argue that because of the Troubles, that race relations in TTL US are better than those at the same point of time OTL.

I mostly agree but in my heart of hearts I still feel that with the right pressure points we coulda made full balkanization happen.:p:p

Let's also point out that a lot of those Mexican drugs are being sold legally in the US. So that's a stable ag product for Mexico, I'd say!:D
I don't remember this and probably never heard of Dust Bowl before. So thanks. :)

This is a post back from the time of 1933/34:

You see, I had been riding with the storm clouds, and had come to earth as rain, and it was drought that I had killed with the power that the Six Grandfathers gave me.
(Hehaka Sapa, aka Black Elk)

There had been fourteen durst storms in 1932, and thirty-eight in 1933 – but there was an indication that the drought was going to end. In fact, 1932 and 1933 had been less dry than 1930 and 1931. So, the ‘black blizzards’ were a result of the 1930-31 droughts; and precipitation was increasing again since 1932. Thus, in 1934 the problem might be overcome eventually.
That, at least, was the official interpretation of the McAdoo administration.

But it wasn’t the developing ‘Dust Bowl’ alone that was bothering people in the Midwest; in fact, the area affected by extreme erosion of the top soil, although touching several states – Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas – wasn’t that large compared to the overall agricultural surface available. And even if the drought had led to failing crops in states not dust-stricken, it were shrinking profits due to declining market prices that caused most farmers to resign. Despite the meteorological problems, the Midwest was still producing more foodstuffs than the markets could absorb for prices covering the expenses of the farmers.

And there was competition; Canada was the largest producer of wheat in the world, even if some areas in Saskatchewan were also affected by the drought. Cheap Canadian wheat fed the British – and flooded the US market. The effect of falling prices in Canada was the same as in the US: many farmers were driven from their land and migrated to the urban centres. Nevertheless, overall wheat production remained high. – Calls for a tariff act in order to protect US farmers from competition went unheard, the McAdoo administration did not want to hurt Canada, as they intended to loosen the Canadian ties to Great Britain and to bond the country closer to the US.

There was quite a welcome aspect in the agricultural crisis for President McAdoo and his team: White Midwest persons migrated to the centres of industrial production in the East, Northeast and West where the armaments programmes were creating jobs. Thus, white workers would always be available in sufficient numbers – and no requirement for recruiting Negroes from the southern states would develop. Therefore, the Great Negro Migration that had taken place between 1910 and 1930 and had seen approximately two million blacks move to the Northeast, Midwest and West wouldn’t be rekindled.

In fact, the armaments programmes and the creation of additional large military units had kept general unemployment rates low, only public debt was drastically on the rise – but as long as the big banks were lending money, this was not a concern. The idea that the United States of America could ever go broke was just ridiculous. And the banks were earning well in the process, as the interest rates remained constantly high, thus they had even more money available for new loans.

What was slowly forming was a very healthy and effective military-industrial complex, attracting hundreds of thousands engineers and technicians, leading to improved construction methods and many technical improvements. The US armaments industry was leaping ahead with technical innovation as the best brains of the country were contributing to its amplification and expansion. One could justifiably expect to take the lead in many fields of development of military hardware – and hopefully become a major vendor ...

As people increasingly were finding new jobs, the readiness to invest in consumer goods was slowly but steadily growing, further strengthening economical recovery. This process was thought to bring back prosperity as it had existed before the 1930 stock market crash and the subsequent banking crisis.

Thus, although many people in the Midwest were discontent – if not desperate – and sensing that they were being sacrificed for the benefit of the industrial areas in east and west, the general appreciation in the US population was one of careful optimism. – While the administration had clearly produced a lot of failure in the armed conflicts since 1930, they obviously had managed to re-vigorate US economy. And for the bulk of common US citizens domestic economical well-being and availability of jobs were far more important than strange adventures in foreign countries.

That many members the east coast WASP elites were unhappy with the conduct of the Trans-Atlantic War and the Mexican Mess was merely a side note, which found expression in a lot of educated publications – but hardly bothered the working man down the road. As democracy was the predominant form of government worldwide, a special US American sense of mission for spreading democracy had never developed. There was nothing special that the US could teach the world.

IOTL, the US government was fighting the problem, ITTL they are exploiting it for their purposes.
Since this is a summary for possible new readers, maybe it should be mentioned that The Troubles are the name the Yankees gave TTL's Great Depression, which included a much worse economic crash, much worse ecological disaster, and much much worse social upheaval, including a lot of open violence across the country.
Don't forget a series of gang wars. AND how could we forget the Trans-Atlantic War. The Troubles weren't just TTLs version of a worse Great Depression. More like a very serious Series of truly horrific Unfortunate Events. But IMO this was an aenima for the US and a change for the better, learn to swim(listen to AENIMA by tool if you don't understand).:D
Don't forget a series of gang wars. AND how could we forget the Trans-Atlantic War. The Troubles weren't just TTLs version of a worse Great Depression. More like a very serious Series of truly horrific Unfortunate Events. But IMO this was an aenima for the US and a change for the better, learn to swim(listen to AENIMA by tool if you don't understand).:D

Yeah, if you want an analogy of how bad the US in TTL's 1930s was, the only real comparison is the US of the 1980s in Drew's dystopian Rumsfeldia TL, where seemingly everything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong.

You had a combination of bad economic times, natural disaster, racial strife, external troubles and most of all, a epically horrific Presidential Administration. If you were going to rank US presidents ITTL, McAdoo would probably rank as worst of all time; he not only tore the nation apart but seemingly did so with deliberate intent.
Yeah, if you want an analogy of how bad the US in TTL's 1930s was, the only real comparison is the US of the 1980s in Drew's dystopian Rumsfeldia TL, where seemingly everything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong.

You had a combination of bad economic times, natural disaster, racial strife, external troubles and most of all, a epically horrific Presidential Administration. If you were going to rank US presidents ITTL, McAdoo would probably rank as worst of all time; he not only tore the nation apart but seemingly did so with deliberate intent.

Things definitely got awful.:(

Though I would still choose to live in the US any year of The Troubles rather than the UK in the same year.
So the Mexican government has declared its war on drugs over.

The terms are simple: the drug cartels may freely sell their stuff abroad and contribute to the economy with their laundry money.

But sell drugs inside our borders and we will crush you.

Such a wise policy :D
Mesoamerica and the Caribbean
Mesoamerica seemed to be on a good way – until the Japanese arrived… Well, actually, they haven’t arrived; there aren’t any more of them sojourning in the area than before. There have been talks, backroom talks, money has flown, and shiploads of equipment have arrived. Not necessarily arms, there is an adequate stock of arms available in the vicinity, but communication equipment, vehicles, aeroplanes, even helicopters, sophisticated tools, surveying instruments, and other useful ordnance. Filipinos have come, however, quite a lot of them, Spanish speaking folks, workers, engineers, cooks, cleaning staff, no soldiers.

The Japanese being the Japanese, they inevitably ended up in bed with those who for them represent authority and heritage: the old elites, zealous to preserve their privileges – or win them back. Most of the military, in some countries all of them, would be in the package by default. That has given the authoritarian faction a considerable headstart over their opponents – and only internal quarrels, the elements and the hideous terrain have prevented the Movimiento Patriota from winning off the cuff. What the Japanese really are up to, is a complex mixture between greed for profit and cold revenge. The zaibatsus want natural resources, exploitation rights and biomaterials. But behind them, invisible, are forces panting for vengeance. One has been humiliated, one will come back to roost. The USA have kicked out Nippon from their turf; so, one will pervade the rest of the continent…

It works in Canada, because the British communists are eager to trade natural resources for hard currency. But one has got problems in Mesoamerica. There is resistance against ‘foreign intrusion’. Mexico was the first to cry wolf. And the US have become involved – under cover, but in force. There are not few who wonder whether it is good to have the Yanquis back in the area. But who else has the required resources at his disposal? Things have come to a standstill, more or less – and the Frente Popular, the alliance of the have-nots and would-bes, is still gathering strength. – The zaibatsus are ready to negotiate; but those behind them, those in the shadows, are not yet convinced. This rabble is a match for regular forces? Forces equipped with state-of-the-art accoutrements? And more good stuff is on its way…

In the Caribbean, people are watching events in Mesoamerica with unease. They find it difficult to understand the reason for these bush wars. Okay, ‘foreign intrusion’; but why should Nipona intrusion be any worse than Yanqui intrusion? Or why should Nipona intrusion have to trigger Yanqui intrusion again? – One is glad to have the Yanquis removed from the islands. But, all right, if Mexico and the Mesoamericans are in the boat, one will cooperate. – However, the British communists and their agents are a much closer threat. Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, the British Leeward Islands, the British Windward Islands, Trinidad and Tobago are nests of agitation and disturbance. True, they are under the command of the Canadian top boss and obviously have orders not to provoke the Yanquis. And they also seem to have been told to leave the Durch colonies alone. But that obviously does not cover the República de Cuba, the Repiblik Ayiti, the República Dominicana and the fledgling Estato Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico.

But, with luck, one can weather the storm. Yanquis and Inglés are mutually interlocked on the Leeward and Westward Islands. That forces the Brits to be very careful. Thus, the main disturbance, for the time being, originates from Jamaica, the Caymans and the British Virgins. Perhaps, one can give the cursed commies a taste of their own medicine? – The Yanquis seem to be in cooperative mood. Might they be willing to cough out some dollars? – and specialists? One has to admit, they are doing a good job in Mesoamerica – without being as obtrusive and obnoxious as they used to be.
So, Japan wanted revenge for the US kicking out Japanese companies from Alaska and Hawaii and stopping them from sponsoring a 'Hawaiian Independence' revolt, which was an attempt to wrest economic control away from bona fide US territories and thus turn them into de-facto Japanese territories?

And they did that by trying to interfere in Latin America?

Canada I get, as that's a place that sees a Britain that is clearly lost its collective mind and Canada wants to have an alternate trading partner so they don't just end up being the USA's hat.

Latin America though... Damn, somebody in the Japanese foreign ministry was clearly drinking a bit too much sake...
Thanks for that, I did not remember that at all. :)

So I am guessing that the US is still in full control of Panama, right?

And since you're interested, I feel like pointing out my favorite silver linings from a post I did on US politics in 1944:

There was one exception: the creation of the previously-proposed national bison rangeland, commonly referred to as the Buffalo Commons. About 150,000 square miles of the driest and most ecologically fragile land on the northern and central Great Plains would be re-planted with wild prairie grasses rather than crops by the few farmers who still lived in the affected area (about 65,000 people total.) They would be paid a stipend for the replanting, which would take about 10-15 years. The federal government was contracted to give the farmers new land in more fertile territory after the replanting was complete (though unlike Homestead Act land, the farmers could re-sell instantly.) The reintroduction of the bison would begin immediately and would be managed by a new VRA composed of state and tribal representatives, with joint participation from the Bureau of Land Management. It would be slow-going at first, with a herd of only 1250 pureblood beasts. But bison bred relatively quickly and tended to take up as much land as was given them. By the turn of the next century, it was estimated that their numbers in the commons would run into the millions.
Also, yes, the US is still dominant in Panama, and has direct territorial control over the Canal Zone. Likewise, Japan has unfettered control over Costa Rica, which is not a part of the conflict and actually has a fairly leftist (bust establishment) government. Panama's government is fairly right-wing; so the opposite dynamic to the rest of Central America.

So, Japan wanted revenge for the US kicking out Japanese companies from Alaska and Hawaii and stopping them from sponsoring a 'Hawaiian Independence' revolt, which was an attempt to wrest economic control away from bona fide US territories and thus turn them into de-facto Japanese territories?

And they did that by trying to interfere in Latin America?

Canada I get, as that's a place that sees a Britain that is clearly lost its collective mind and Canada wants to have an alternate trading partner so they don't just end up being the USA's hat.

Latin America though... Damn, somebody in the Japanese foreign ministry was clearly drinking a bit too much sake...

Canada doesn't get a damn say in who it trades with, unfortunately. They're not trading with Japan to distance themselves from the UK, they're trading with Japan because the UK needs money to run Canada and keep it under British rule.

The Japanese, Chinese, and Americans actually landed in Central America together as part of the trade war with Russia. They were allies at the time. Since the US wasn't very popular in Central America and since China didn't really have a merchant fleet, Japanese companies took point in the region.

The Russians actually started destabilizing Central America first, and even the British and Mexicans were involved at one point. The governments were weak in the region and regime change was seen as the easiest way to win the national purse. So the first period of revolutions, revolts, coups, and assassinations was a six-way free-for-all, really.

The Russians and British lost their interest when it started costing them and began to pull out.

Then the Chinese decided a good way to put the Japanese in their place was to get the Yankees to cancel all existing economic deals with them. The US valued their relationship with China over all else, so they went ahead with it, even though it was a terrible decision on the face of it.

The Japanese were completely blind-sided, and found their way to Canada after US raw materials were cut off.

Still sitting down in Central America and with an institutional edge, Japanese zaibatsus tried to grab it all. As far as the Japanese government was concerned, humiliating the Yankees was good enough reason to nod their heads in support.

And that's how Japan got involved.;)
South America
The República de Panama, which once has been part of Colombia, until pried loose by the US, is embroiled in the Mesoamerican bush wars as well, at least down to the US territory of the Panama Canal Zone. The area serves as one of the prime assembly areas for forces of the Frente Popular. The territory east of the Canal Zone, however, is very much unaffected by the uproar to the north. But the US, controlling the whole republic in all but name, are strongly represented here too. Their agents, though, are looking towards Colombia, which is still allied with Venezuela, an old enemy of the US.

The South American countries are very interested in what is happening in Mesoamerica, but they do not participate in the fray. Venezuela and Colombia are happy to abstain and watch. Their version of communism isn’t compatible with the Yanqui-sponsored Frente Popular, nor with the coarse British version. Therefore, they sit, wait and feast. Relations with Britain, however, are not unfriendly. British Guiana is a good and peaceful neighbour for Venezuela, even if there are persistent rumours that the British are operating ‘death camps’ in the deep jungles. In the neighbourhood, the Dutch are preparing their Guiana to become part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands together with the Dutch Antilles; this union is scheduled to become effective in 1952. The third Guiana, French Guyane, is a forgotten backwater, sparsely populated and cherished by researchers for its undisturbed environment.

The República dos Estados Unidos do Brasil is governed by a liberal-socialist coalition that step dances between the wishes of the land owners and those of the farm hands. The littoral has seen a considerable immigration of Greeks, while the grasslands in the southern interior have attracted quite a number of Boers, who, by their own statements, feel reminded of the veldt. The same has happened in Bolivia, where the Gran Chaco has turned out barren of oil – but suitable for cattle herding, and Argentina. There have been clashes with the indigenes, because the Boers are clearing the forests, which the Indians need for their subsistence, but, except for the church, the indigenes have no supporters. In Argentine, the traditional landowners have created problems for Boer settlement – and subsequently, most Boers have left country again, reinforcing the Boer communities in Bolivia and Brazil.

The three countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, Chile, Peru and Ecuador, are ruled by conservative or liberal-conservative governments. The latter two are going through the spasms of Indian emancipation, while the government in Chile is so conservative that nothing moves.

All South American countries have profited from the trade war and are in the process of vamping up their home industries. The US are buying again, Russia is buying, and also the COMECON countries and the Ottoman Empire are buying those agricultural products they can’t grow at home.

Australia and New Zealand
The US forces have left, the countries are on their own, and the dreaded East Asians don’t come. But they are buying. Slowly, reframing has started. Back to Red Britain is not an option. But with customers for natural resources lining up, one can stand alone. Immigrants from Greece have always been welcome in Australia, and fortunately, they keep coming.