middle east

  1. Turkey WI: Adnan Menderes died in 1959?

    The first Turkish prime minister not to belong to the until then dominant Republican People's Party, Adnan Menderes ruled Turkey from 1950 until his removal by a military coup in May 27 1960, after which he was executed a year later. As time went on and the economy began to decline roughly...
  2. the Israeli Stalin

    divided West alternative cold war

    I'm new here on the site, so sorry in advance if there are any mistakes, I'm not very good at English or American politics and I don't know how to make an infobox (if someone makes an infobox in my place kudos to him), but if there's a subject I really like it's the Cold War and its history, so...
  3. Hittites pull an ottoman after bronze age collapse

    Hittites survive the bronze age collapse by defeating the sea peoples and subduing the kaskas. Hittites create a near monopoly on iron. They conquer Egypt, Mesopotamia, Caucasus, Levant and Grecce emerging as the strongest power in world
  4. The New Order: A Successful Selim III
    Threadmarks: Part 1: Of Bandits and Princes

    ------------------ Part 1: Of Bandits and Princes If history can, with much effort made by those who study it, be considered a series of smaller, usually predictable (and often romantic) narratives intertwined with one another - all protagonized by kingdoms and empires which formed, grew and...
  5. WI: Gothic Mesopotamian Kingdom

    Before conquering the Western Roman empire, the gothic tribes pillaged in Byzantine Europe before migrating west. If the went southeast to Mesopotamia instead and found a kingdom near the Persian Gulf, how does their culture develop in the next millenia? As the middle east is already a cultural...
  6. Khosrow II doesn't flee to Syria?

    Khosrow II, the last of the "great" Sassanid shahs (the quotes are because he was actually pretty terrible), began his reign under very inauspicious circumstances: his father, the destructively paranoid Hormizd IV, had been murdered, the empire was locked in a long, bloody and fruitless war with...
  7. Is a Greater Syria possible after WWI?

    During the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI, the Syrian National Congress proclaimed Faisal (a member of the Hashemite dynasty) king of a Syria whose territory was supposed to encompass what is now Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Israel. This...
  8. Abd ar-Rahman II

    WI : The Abbasids defeat the Mongol Invasion of Iraq

    I was reading some old post from @John7755 يوحنا were he discussed the recovery of the Abbasids in the post Seljuk era and how they might have succeeded in beating back Hulagu and his army the PoD is a different and far more competent Caliph al Musta'sim that take the Mongol threats...
  9. Taunay

    Ford '76 victory impact in the Middle East

    Before Carter won, the US had a mostly anti-communist, pro-Israel militarist view towards the region. Under Carter, however, the view towards the Middle East became more conciliatory, which led to the Camp David Accords. While they were definitely not perfect, those Accords were a step up from...
  10. AHC: Create a homeland for all followers of the Baháʼí Faith

    The Baháʼí Faith is a relatively new religion teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people. Established by Baháʼu'lláh in the 19th century, it initially developed in Iran and parts of the Middle East, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its inception...
  11. MAZDAK’S FLIGHT – A Sassanid TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter One - The Prophet & The Kings

    MAZDAK’S FLIGHT – A Sassanid TL Chapter One - The Prophet & The Kings “If those forces arrayed against it – the orthodox Zoroastrians, the rich Mobeds, and the aristocracy – had acted in unison, the one truth could have been suppressed. The Mazdakites might have been no more than a footnote...
  12. Middle East alignment in Nazi victory scenario

    In the event of an armistice with the UK (pre-Dec 41) what are the most likely alignments of ME countries? Syria & Lebanon - France? Israel/Palestine - UK/? Jordan - UK What about Iran and Iraq? Are they likey to align similar ways or opposite?
  13. ChadMachine999

    Nuclear Arab Israeli War

    Lets say that the UAR survives and develops nukes alongside Israel. By 1975 a crisis happens and both sides go to war firing hundreds of nuclear missiles at each other.
  14. Heaven's Thunder Hammer

    Information on Medieval Damascus or Aleppo?

    As the title says, I'm looking for some information. First, Is anyone aware of population figures of Medieval Damascus or Aleppo? 800s to 1400s of any type would be quite helpful. Bonus points if there are figures for the suburbs (which I believe they had) outside. On a related second...
  15. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: the US recognised Palestine in 1993?

    The Oslo Accords were considered a major foreign policy achievement for the Clinton administration. It created the Palestinian National Authority under PLO direction, defined the borders of Israel and the PNA, and established a roadmap for Palestinian self-governance. However, it failed to...
  16. WI: Napoleon and Russia Agree to Invade the Ottomans Together

    I was thinking about this defunct TL that made me write this post. If Alexander I of Russia and Napoleon decided to agree on invading the Ottomans together and splitting up the empire among themselves, how radically different will Europe, the Middle East, and (to a smaller extent) North Africa...
  17. Can the Safavids keep Mesopotamia?

    The Safavid dynasty briefly retook Baghdad from the Ottomans in 1624 and held it for 14 years, during which Constantinople tried and failed to recapture the city several times before Murad IV finally succeeded in 1638. The Ottoman Empire's control of Mesopotamia, which lasted until its...
  18. WI: The Ottoman Empire Conquered Persia/Iran (Somewhat Reestablishing Alexander's/Achaemenid Empire)

    Let's say something around the late 15th or early 16th centuries the Ottomans decide to embark on campaign to recreate the Achaemenid Empire (or Alexander's Empire) by invading east and conquering as much of Egypt, Cyrenaica, the Caucasus, Iraq, Persia, Afghanistan, and other parts of Central...
  19. AHC/WI: The US Declares War on the Ottomans and Gets Involved in the Middle East and Greece

    So somehow the US decides to get involved in the Middle East and Greece during WWI. How can it get involved? And assuming it gets involved how well will it do fighting the Ottomans? And when the Ottoman Empire gets partitioned what happens? Does the US gets to have a greater share of it...
  20. AHC/WI: Six Day War Ends in a Stalemate/Ceasefire

    If the Six Day war between Israel and the Arab states ends in a stalemate/ceasefire where basically the whole conflict ends in a status quo ante bellum, what happens next? Is this even possible? Is this considered a victory for either Israel or the Arab states or both? How is Arab nationalism...