house of york

  1. RedKing

    WI: Warwick the Kingmaker survives the Battle of Barnet?

    In OTL, rumour had it that Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick survived the Battle of Barnet and was in hiding with a few soldiers, recovering from his wounds. Of course, this rumours would be proven false. But what if the rumour had been true, and Warwick had escaped the Battle, and was in hiding...
  2. RedKing

    AHC: Lancastrian France, Yorkist England

    With a POD after 1337, have France be ruled by the House of Lancaster/descendants of John of Gaunt, and have England be ruled by the House of York. Bonus points if you can do it with a POD in 1400!
  3. RedKing

    Triumph of the Red Rose: A Wars of the Roses Timeline
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Wait, I thought you were doing a timeline about Richard III? I was, but a combination of writer's block (an unholy demon, it should be mentioned) and loss of interest has sadly slayed that project. Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to that project, I did have a good few ideas for that...
  4. RedKing

    AHC: Get Henry Holland, Duke of Exeter on the throne

    Title says it all. With a POD after 1453, get Henry Holland, Duke of Exeter on the English throne. Bonus points if you can have it happen after the OTL Readeption occurs.
  5. pandizzy

    The Sunne in Splendour: A War of the Roses Timeline
    Threadmarks: November 1463.

    2022 Turtledove Winner! November 1463. Château d'Amboise, France. “Prince Gaston of Viana is dead, Sire,” said the messenger when Louis bid him to come in. The man stepped forward and bowed, extending his arm forward to hand him a sealed letter, “Fever took him.” “Poor Madeleine,” murmured...
  6. WI: Princes in the Tower are Edward IV's only surviving children?

    As title says-all kids of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville, except for Edward and Richard, predecease father. With Medieval high infant mortality it would not be something very unusual. So once Richard of Gloucester removes his nephes from the scene, is his reign stable? Henry Tudor has only...
  7. Richard of Gloucester marries Mary of Burgundy

    I find every post about George, Duke of Clarence that weds Mary the Rich but because of reasons of age should Richard wed her and if Richard do that who would wed Max this would radicaly change world history and this means no Charles V,no thirty years war,no Louis XIV and would still Richard...
  8. WI: Edward V married to French princess

    It is generally assumed, that if Elizabeth of York is married abroad (be it France, Burgundy or Portugal) then Richard of Gloucester does not risk usurpation. What about older of Princes of the Tower being married at the time of father's death? Perhaps youngest child of Louis XI is daughter...
  9. A very different Readeption - Red Rose blooms
    Threadmarks: 20th of April, 1471

    Chapter I: Edward Edward of Lancaster, prince of Wales stood near his father's throne. He saw the man essentially destroyed by life. In this moment, he couldn't feel anything but sympathy for his poor father, even though he always wanted to despise him for his failure in keeping the throne for...
  10. Richard of York had one more son

    Say last child of Richard, Duke of York, and Cecily Neville (born in 1455) is healthy boy (name suggestion? Strangely it seems that Richard never re-used names of kids who died young. So maybe Roger or Ralph?). Parhelion during Battle of Mortimer's Cross thus can't symbolise 3 surviving sons of...
  11. WI: King George I of England in 1464

    I mean George of Clarence obviously. PoD is easy-Edward IV has some nasty hunting or ridding accident in autumn of 1464 that ends with his death. George of Clarence is now undisputed heir of his childless older brother. What does it mean for House of York? On one hand George was incompetent...
  12. Princes in the Tower and Edward of Middleham WI/PC

    I'm thinking about scenario, where sons of Edward IV predecease father by few years, while at the same time his nephew Edward of Middleham happens to be healthy boy. Also, as date of Middleham's birth is disputed, let's say that TTL version of EoM is born in December 1473 (earliest estimate). So...
  13. NEW TL:The Sons in Splendor, the Golden Age of the House of York
    Threadmarks: 1483-1485

    The Sons in Splendour: The Golden Age of the House of York Synopsis On the 9th of April 1483, one of the most underrated Kings in English History, Edward IV died. A military man, flower of Chivalry and reformer of Kingship, Edward unexpectedly died at the age of 40; leaving behind a muddled...
  14. WI: Richard of York survives to become king

    What if Richard of York didn't get killed at the Battle of Wakefield and survived to become King of England? How might that have affected history?
  15. Battle of Bosworth: King Richard III and Henry Tudor die. Would Lincoln declare for Warwick?

    Quick Question: If at the Battle of Bosworth in August 1485, both King Richard III and Henry Tudor were killed, would John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, declare himself King or back his younger cousin, Edward, 17th Earl of Warwick? Some Background: Lincoln’s claim was through the female line...
  16. WI: Henry VI isn't mentally disabled.

    What if Henry VI, lived up to his father's strengths, the late Henry V and wasn't so mentally unstable. Additionally, can the regency be improved to better hold their position in France by giving concessions to the Burgundians, such as Henry VI's regents brokering to give the Burgundians a crown...
  17. lolotte34

    John Neville, 1st Marquis of Montagu, fights for King Edward IV

    John Neville, 1st Marquis of Montagu, remains loyal to King Edward IV during the battle of Barnet. After the victories at Barnet and Tewkesbury, John Neville becomes Lord of the North, in the place of Richard of Gloucester. He inherits the titles and property of his brother (Richard Neville...
  18. HRH Cecily

    Challenge: Put Cecily on the throne

    In honor of my username (lol), how would you contrive to put Cecily of York on the throne of England? Having Elizabeth of York die early is okay but having Cecily marry Henry VII in her place is too easy so please don’t do that. Queen Regnant is preferable if you can manage it but really just...
  19. Richard, Duke of Gloucester, dies in 1482

    If Richard, Duke of Gloucester (future King Richard III) died in Scotland in 1482, who would King Edward IV name was Lord Protector or Regent for his twelve year old son, Edward V? Richard seems like such an obvious choice, there wasn’t really anyone else as fit for the role (perhaps, not in...
  20. The Professor

    AHC Yorkist France

    Create a believable Kingdom of France under the House of York that is separate from the Kingdom of England.