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  1. Alternate books

    In the quoted two scenarios, it would be possible for Bulgaria to annex Macedonia and/ or the Western Outlands for Bulgaria with a pod after the last otl territorial gain of Bulgaria (in 1947 with Southern Dobruja). In this case, a travel guide (such as Insight Guides Bulgaria) could include...
  2. Miscellaneous >1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Technically speaking, even with a pod after Bulgarian recontrol of Southern Dobruja was confirmed in 1947 in that year's Treaty of Paris, some Warsaw Pact victory in a non-nuclear or a not too nuclear WW3 should allow Bulgaria to annex parts of Greek and/ or Turkish territory (9th scenario for a...
  3. Effect on rest of WW2 of a failed Sealion

    A bit harsher punishment would still mean death penalty for Raeder (life imprisonment, involved in Kriegsmarine), Hess (life imprisonment, involved as Deputy Fuhrer) and Goering (suicide before sentence enforcement) since they were the highest ranking Nazis tried at Nuremberg and closest to...
  4. Effect on rest of WW2 of a failed Sealion

    Also, once Sealion failed and WW2 ended in Allied victory, how would the failure of Sealion impact the Nuremberg Trials? The otl defendants at Nuremberg likely wouldn't be dead in a failed Sealion, but could Sealion bring additional defendants into Nuremberg or harsher penalties (as in enforced...
  5. Hypothetical Sept. 14 1942 Carrier Battle

    The battle might be fatal to Wasp due to its weaker protection than the Yorktown class USS Hornet, unless both Shokaku class carriers were sunk or mission killed in the battle's first strike. Even then, I-19 could still sink USS Wasp on 15 September 1942 (the day after this scenario's battle)...
  6. Civil War if America had all British America

    Florida would be a part of New Spain in this scenario.
  7. WI Britain gets Florida circa 1713

    It would be likely that Spain would end up with French Louisiana if the Seven Years War ended as in otl because Louisiana was transferred to Spain as compensation for Spain's defeat and losses in the Seven Years War and Louisiana could still be garrisoned by Spanish garrisons in Texas and...
  8. Miscellaneous >1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    I will agree with the op's answer to this quote.
  9. Miscellaneous >1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    WW2 east versus west then.
  10. WI Britain gets Florida circa 1713

    And also by France and Britain being allies in 1719 in the War of the Quadruple Alliance, but with no more Spanish (East) Florida as East Florida would be British and with no more Spanish West Florida and Louisiana as both West Florida and Louisiana would be French in 1719.
  11. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    For question 1, Russia might be able to get away with it because the Austrians would not intervene for the Ottomans (at most, the Austrians would substitute Russian rule for Austrian and Romanian rule in the Danubian Principalities as in the otl Crimean War) and Britain and France would be too...
  12. WI: Egypt's Independence is Achieved Under Ali Bey the Great?

    It would be possible that Russia, with an independent Egypt under Ali Bey, could allow Ali Bey's Egypt to be invaded by the Ottomans in exchange for Russia being allowed to annex more Ottoman territories in 1774 than otl in 1774 (not very likely or the territories would have to be given to...
  13. Constantinople Agreement: Effects of an Imperial Russia controlling the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles from 1919 to the present?

    Eastern (Turkish) Thrace (including Edirne) would be Russian because that much of its small size from 1914 borders would be needed by Russia to defend Constantinople, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles.
  14. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    The Confederates wouldn't have to fight that much in Missouri and Kentucky and can devote resources elsewhere.
  15. Miscellaneous >1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Survival of the Far Eastern Republic and a Strike North faction victory butterflying the Second Sino-Japanese War with Japanese support if the pod were in the 1910s or the early 1920s. With this pod occuring in the 1930s, the Japanese would not need to occupy French Indochina and could leave the...
  16. Constantinople Agreement: Effects of an Imperial Russia controlling the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles from 1919 to the present?

    It would be claimed by Turkey as a Russian enclave in Thrace and Anatolia and give Russia enough rights to sail ships into the Mediterranean from the Black Sea, Bosphorus and the Dardanelles for the effects on Russia. Since Russian control of Constantinople (and the Dardanelles) would mean...
  17. What if the USA National Origins Quota system of the 1920s *included* quota limits on western hemisphere nations too?

    Perhaps the Latin American nations might be able to take in tens of thousands more Jewish immigrants than otl due to Nazism and a few thousand more Spaniards due to the Spanish Civil War. Immigration patterns before 1933 and from 1933 onwards for other ethnic groups to Latin America would stay...
  18. What if Austria-Hungary detained Serbian Field Marshal Putnik on declaring war in August 1914?

    Without Marshal Putnik, Serbian resistance in the face of Austro-Hungarian attack would be significantly impaired. Likely to the extent of Serbia being knocked out of WW1 in 1914 in territorial sovereignty and its military.
  19. How could Nice and Savoy remained Italian (or technically Sardinian)?

    Have Italy try to win and succeed its 1859 War of Independence alone (if possible), lose 1859 but successfully fight the Italian War of Independence (and Revolution) of 1866 or get British support for Italy's 1859 War of Independence instead of French support for Italy's 1859 War of...
  20. Wiener Schnitzel Arrabiata - consequences of a summer 1918 Italian Victory at Vittorio Veneto

    Also, while the Isonzo defence line might have more defensible terrain and track records for the Austro-Hungarians, the Piave defence line might be needed for a shorter defence line and longer supply line-caused disruptions before Trieste and Vienna than the Isonzo defence line, in addition to...