Marguerite, Duchess of Bourbon was feeling rather numb. She had tried to get up from the chair when the incapacity of her mother to keep her mouth shut had transformed the visit from her mother from a joyous moment in which share the happy news of her second pregnancy in the worst ever shouting match between her husband and her mother as Louise’s latest dispregiative comment had been the last straw for her husband’s tolerance and the Duke of Bourbon had started to tell to his mother-in-law exactly how much he hated her and why. The regent Louise for a while had listened with disbelief to her son-in-law’s accusations to have caused all the dampened to France for which she always lamented with her greed and avidity, too stunned for replying anything, but then had started to reply, reminding to the Duke who he had betrayed France passing at service of the Emperor and causing the greatest defeat ever of France and the death of her son, who was also his King and also the one of Marguerite’s first husband, the same Alençon whose honour he was so busy to defend right now. Marguerite, unable to believe who her mother could be so dense, had tried to stand up, mostly for stopping an exasperated Charles from doing anything too rash (like scrolling her mother) but she had just the time to take a step before starting to fall towards the floor. Luckily her husband had no be so distracted by his anger and rage to not note her movements and was not too far away so the fall ended with her caught in his arms instead of being on the floor. Louise also reached them, worried for her daughter’s health, and followed them while Charles brought Marguerite in her chamber, leaving her on the bed telling her to relax and stay there while he would send for the midwife as he was worried for the effect who that scene had on her and their kid. After kissing her forehead the Duke left the room, but not before telling Louise with an icy voice who he had to ask forgiveness to his elder sister (Louise, wife of the Prince of La Roche-sur-Yon ) as he would NEVER name a daughter after her as he could not condemn his future daughter to share the name with that demon of Marguerite’s mother. The Duchess of Bourbon submitted herself to her mother’s care, just wishing who Louise could understand for once who her actions had effects on other people and who the consequences could be disastrous for everyone, but looked like she would have to force her mother to open her eyes, once she recovered, as unluckily she had not the strength for that right now. Still Marguerite could not believe to her luck when her mother asked her if her husband had tried to put on her the blame for Pavia and the deaths of Francis and Alençon… Marguerite had to reassure her mother who Francis’ own stupidity and desire of glory had been the reason for that disaster, but Bourbon being the enemy’s commander… well that was her fault as she had not left him any other choice, when she had pushed her claim to the Duchy of Bourbon. Francis had supported her, as he had always done, and that meant who nobody would have given reason to Charles of Bourbon, whatever Louise was right or wrong and well, Louise truly believed who her current son-in-law was the kind of man to let other stripping him of what he believed was rightfully his without reacting or to let himself bullied to accept an disadvantageous match when he had other options? Her mother usually had a ready answer so the fact who this time she had none likely was a good sign who her mother had finally learned the lesson who her brother had not the time for digesting: sadly the world doesn't revolve around them so they need to take in consideration the possible consequences of their actions, instead of trying to take everything they wished simply as they had an excuse for doing that.
Amazing work as always!